SYNOPSIS: The television series tells the story of an Asturian village, Las Caldas. The action takes place at the time of the Revolution of 1934 and the following Civil War. These events impinge upon the lives of the principal characters, making a dramatic portrait of Spain in the 1930s. Filmed in the countryside of Asturias, it is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Jesús Fernández Santos. Directed y Vicente Aranda and Television Española.
CREDITS: Director: Vicente Aranda Producer: José Luis Tafur Script: Vicente Aranda and Joaquín Jordá Photography: Juan Amorós Music: José Nieto Duration: 4 heures 45 minutes
CAST: Victoria Abril, Jorge Sanz, Maribel Verdú, Graciela Borges, Fernando Guillén, Gloria Muñoz, Antonio Iranzo, Claudia Gravy, Nacho Martínez, Conrado San Martín, Carlos Tristancho, Joan Miralles, Eufemia Román, José Cerro, Rosa Morata