33508 El Allende de Vibaño (Llanes)
All year
Rural Hotel La Montaña Mágica
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Here in western Asturias, where mountains meet the sea, one finds La Montaña Mágica. Sitting in the midst of a truly exceptional landscape, our lodging offers the guest the chance to appreciate its unique charm and to awaken or slumber beneath the majestic gaze of Naranjo de Bulnes and the Picos de Europa – all just minutes away from some of the most beautiful beaches of Llanes.
After having undergone a meticulous restoration of a country farmstead (while respecting the traditional architecture), this working farm offers lodging with all the amenities. And of course those indispensible buildings for farming – an hórreo, stables with horses (asturcones to walk).
Capacity23 (9 rooms)